What is this place? ये जगह क्या है?

A series of Posters developed to be put up in common/public areas for viewing by all. The visuals were also inserted in the "I Am" activity book presented to each child as part of the orientation kit.

Why am I here? मुझे यहाँ क्यों लाया गया?

The Dongri Children’s home houses child labourers, kids who have run away from abusive and distressing situations at home as well as juvenile offenders. Three picture stories of Chanda, Surya, and Vaishali were developed from real-life events for all the new children to go through on their arrival at the Home. They were encouraged to do this on their own or with the help of the member of staff or another older child from the Home.

Outcome: The stories depicted common situations that helped the children understand that they are not alone and relate to other children at the Home who have had similar life situations. The stories helped visualize what will most likely happen to them and to clarify doubts and misconceptions as well as present them with accurate information so that they do not feel lost

How do I use the toilet? मैं टॉयलेट कैसे करूँ?

Many of the children were used to open defecation and wanted instructions in the use of a toilet. A poster as well as a pocket-sized manual delineated the process using simple pictures for those who couldn't read the text.

ClientAangan TrustServicesContent, Illustration and Design

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